Drunks could find themselves with a £100 spot fine.
How will these be any more of a deterrent then a quick twat with a steel baton and a night in a piss soaked cell to think about what an absolute childish drunken shit you have been before you go back to your family looking like you slept with a rat in the local skip???
Criminals To Get Spot Fines
(Translates loosely as - Lazy government fuckers come up with new ways to avoid punishing criminals and at the same time make more money to spend on fuck all)
Serious crimes such as assault and mugging will be punished by on-the-spot fines of up to £100, it has been reported.
Mr Beast says: Surely the moment you decide a crime only requires an on the spot fine it is no longer considered 'serious'? So mugging and the like are ok now so long as you can pay your way, what a farce!
The Times claims to have seen Home Office plans that will see the penalties handed out for offences including assault, threatening behaviour, obstructing or assaulting a police officer, possession of cannabis and drunkenness.
Mr Beast says: How on god's green earth can you place assault and owning some leaves from a plant in the same category??? I am not tolerant of drugs but the likes of cannabis although with their own risks attached (mental health etc) are pretty much a victimless crime, where as assault or mugging quite blatantly has a victim and destroys the very society we exist in today. There should be, and is not any comparison between these two types of crime. Oh look, theres that guy who keeps chatting up my missus, lucky for me i won a monkey on the horses thus enabling me to go and dish out some knuckle justice with any repercussions. A farce!!!
They are aimed at keeping offenders out of courts.
Mr Beast says: Why???? isn' that where offenders are meant to be??? In court, getting a sentence for the crime they committed, isn't that how it works??? You commit a crime, you go to court, you are found guilty, you are handed a sentence or punishment then hopefully go on to learn your lesson and stop being such a fuckwit drain on society, end of!
The Home Office is proposing a huge extension of fixed-penalty notices from early 2007.
Mr Beast says: As they are a bunch of clueless lazy fucks who live in sheltered worlds and never actually have to walk the streets of our slowly sinking, shit stained country, thus never having to experience the amount of low life chav scum that now resides on every corner, doing as they wish, confident in the fact that, to be honest, the popo really cant be arsed to do anything they may risk them having some paperwork to do.
They would apply to nearly 30 offences.
Mr Beast says: As i have stated before... WHAT A FUCKING JOKE!!!
The move could remove 250,000 cases from magistrates courts.
Mr Beast says: Why not close the courts then, saving the tax payer a shit load of hard earned money they can then invest in protecting themselves and their families properly, seeing as the government really don't seem to want the responsibility any more.
The plans were drawn up after consulting key agencies, including the Association of Chief Police Officers.
Reads as: the was a last hope attempt by a bunch of clueless, over paid fucks, to try and reduce the number of recorded crimes, thus creating the illusion they actually know what they are doing!
But they have yet to be endorsed by ministers.
Mr Beast says: There is still hope yet then, although, lets be honest, not much. With G Brown due in power any time soon he'll do whatever he can to direct more cash into the badly neglected coffers, no matter what the public cost.
Legislation could be put through in the autumn and a start date pencilled in for early next year.
Mr Beast says: No comment i can really pass on this, other than... COCKS!!! PHLACID COCKS!!!
But the 30,000-strong Magistrates' Association says the proposals make a mockery of the criminal justice system and downgrade the gravity of offences that should go before the courts.
Mr Beast says: At last some fucking sense, lets hope they have the balls to speak up and stop yet another hair brained labour initiative being passed before we end up well and truly fucked beyond the point of no return.
Mr Beast